Is this my door?
I was fortunate enough to take a trip to Barcelona this fall. It’s a beautiful city filled with fascinating neighborhoods and architecture and art – and food!
One of our destinations was a highly-recommended tapas spot: Bar del Pla. We showed up before 12:30pm – very early for lunch by local standards – but the lights were on and there were staff inside. I tried giving the door a pull, but it didn’t budge, so we figured they weren’t open quite yet.
We came back a little before 1pm, and again I tried to pull the door, without success. However, this time I was lucky. A gentleman saw my struggle and kindly said, “Push the door to open it.” And suddenly we had access to a lunch so delicious that we made a point of coming back to Bar del Pla again on another day.
This is a great reminder for me to not make assumptions! I am also fond of the saying “If a door doesn’t open, it’s not meant for you.” I’m a big believer that pounding on locked doors is a waste of effort. But I wonder if sometimes we might need to try something a little different before we give up and move on…
That door you have been pulling on, what if you gave it a gentle push? What if you listened to some advice from a kind observer?
This holiday season, my wish for you is that all of your doors swing open with ease!
p.s. Your comments are most welcome on this post at
p.p.s. A heads up for Memphians… I will be running a career coaching group beginning in early 2018. If you want to make progress as the leader of your career and life, details are here: