Career Coaching Groups
Group Career Coaching
Join a live, online career coaching group to gain clarity, build confidence and discover your most purposeful work. Professional Certified Coach, Jen Frank, will lead you through a structured process to give you the self-awareness, skills and tools you need. You’ll identify and move towards work that is aligned with what’s most important to you and what you are uniquely designed to do.
Contact Jen today at or 973.985.8256 (mobile) to schedule a confidential 30-minute call to see if the group is right for you. The group is limited to 6 people, and now is the perfect time to develop yourself and position your career during uncertain times.
Ten small-group meetings via Zoom at 5:30pm CT on the following Mondays starting January 2023: Jan 23, Jan 30, Feb 13, Feb 20, Feb 27, Mar 13, Mar 20, Mar 27, Apr 10 and Apr 17.
Who this program is for:
– Those who want to explore what’s next for their work-life.
– Individuals who want more self-awareness and confidence – and new skills and tools.
– People drifting in their careers or who want more clarity about their next steps.
– Anyone in a job that doesn’t fit.
– Folks who are ready for a change and willing to try something different!
What you can expect to get from the group:
– A structured, confidential, supportive program designed to be practical and useful in moving your career forward.
– Clear goals, new awareness and knowledge, a plan of action, accountability, and help getting unstuck as you come up against obstacles like limiting beliefs.
– Ten 2-hour group meetings (with an option to add 1 or 2 discounted individual 75-minute coaching sessions with Jen).
– Three assessments/reports (1 on personality/career and 2 on strengths); we’ll put that information to practical use in the group and individual coaching.
– A career profile that you’ll create through exercises and coaching that includes your values, needs, vision for an ideal work environment, skills, passions and your signature strengths. The profile is a decision-making tool that will keep you grounded and focused as you consider specific jobs and careers.
– A clear picture of who you are, what you care about and what you do uniquely well – and we’ll make sure your resume reflects this. We’ll also design the questions you need to ask in a job interview so you find your best fit.
– Networking skills adapted to your style so you can learn more about potential jobs and careers as well as build your network.
– Movement past the stuck places that you identify — and motivation to keep moving towards your best work.
– New confidence, clarity and tools as you move forward in your career and a plan of action so you will keep going when the program ends.
What your investment will be:
– Attendance at the ten 2-hour group coaching sessions.
– Completing approximately 2 hours of pre-work before the program begins and approximately 1 hour of homework between each group session. (Participants may choose to do additional research for faster progress.)
– A fee for the program, which includes all meetings, assessments and materials. This fee may be paid in three installments and normally represents a significant savings (~40%) compared to working with Jen individually. Ask Jen about an additional discount if you were recently laid off or furloughed due to the pandemic.
What past group coaching participants said:
“Jen has an innate ability to develop a platform that engages people wherever they are in their journey in life, whether it is their career endeavors or their personal pursuits. She guides each participant to challenge themselves and identify what truly matters to them. If you are willing to dream your future without limits, Jen can guide you to develop a strategy to execute it.” -Melanie
“This experience was exactly what I needed. Instead of being overwhelmed about the idea of changing careers and frantic about needing to do everything right this minute, it highlighted my personal strengths and values that are true about my work today and will be true about them in a year or two or whenever I change careers. It allowed me to loosen up a little and realize that small changes can lead to major shifts in how you feel about your career and life in general. I have already made small steps toward my goal and it has opened up so many opportunities I would have missed if I had waited to have it all figured out.” -Mary Claire
“Jen has been great for me because she has helped me bring clarity and a new way of thinking into my life. I have been more clear on the direction for my future positions, jobs and a career that matches me and aligns with my values and skills. Growing up, so many job and career ideas are forced into our brains, and Jen has helped challenge those thoughts and destroyed many that have limited me from pursuing my goals.” -Milton
“Jen will not let you get comfortable. She will challenge you to really define what you want in a career and will easily get you to do the ‘little things’ that are a big deal. What Jen did for me was validate my positive traits and helped me realize my limiting beliefs were just thoughts that can be controlled by me and gave me the framework to do it. I have a clearer path for my career goals and am armed with more self-knowledge that will make my career goals easier to follow.” -Jose
“It was invaluable to me to have the perspective of someone [Jen] who didn’t know me and didn’t have any bias to listen and give me feedback. Combined with the self-assessments, the coaching helped me to bring my true self to the surface and reminded me what is important to me. Now I have a base with which I can compare outside offers and influences to make sure they are a good fit with who I am, rather than getting distracted or lured by things that are not true to my values and strengths. This coaching gave me a tool for my life, not just my career.” -Susan