Do you have a professional peer support system?
In my work with clients, especially those at the top of organizations, I am often surprised by how little professional peer support people have. They have networks of people they know, but not folks they can confide in – objective folks they can bounce ideas off of and share their challenges with.
I encourage everyone to develop their peer networks, both inside their industry and out. It can be as simple as asking one person or a small group if they’d be interested in having coffee. Tell them your purpose; for example, to discuss professional challenges and career issues while maintaining a positive, solutions-based focus. It’s a bit like dating: keep it casual at first and see who you click with and would like to see again. Then ask those folks if they’d be interested in meeting more regularly.
In addition to not having peer networks, my clients often don’t have mentors either. I can’t overstate the value of having mentors. And yes, you can have more than one, and they don’t have to be in your industry. My mentor, who is now a dear friend, has helped me in countless ways, but the first was to accept me as a peer – even though I was new in the field at the time. Her belief in me was a priceless gift that increased my confidence.
I recently asked a client to formalize a mentor relationship that he has. Doing this alerts the other person that you value their opinion and want to talk regularly – and may contact them with an occasional emergency question! My client reported that when he asked, the man was incredibly honored to be his mentor. Remember, the giver (mentor) gets something out of giving, so let them feel great about it. You are not a burden; being a mentor is a powerful experience, and you are providing that person with the opportunity to share their wisdom as they help support your development and success.
If it feels a little uncomfortable to create your professional network, do it anyway – that discomfort just means you are growing! And it’s a lot better than being uncomfortable all on your own with no one to talk to about the challenges you face.
Who can you ask to be part of your regular peer support network? Who might be a good mentor for you?
Start asking now!
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