Are you asking the right questions?
Last month I was presenting Authentic Networking: Working a Room at a branding conference to two different groups. I got a really similar question twice – once during each session. The participants asked, “What do I do if I am at an event, and I don’t have anything in common with anyone in the room?”
I told both folks the same thing: I think you are asking the wrong question. You are going to get a really different answer if you go into a room and ask yourself “How am I different from everyone here?” versus “What do I have in common with the person I am speaking with?” or “What interesting thing could I learn about this person in the next few minutes?”
Here’s another example: “What’s wrong right now?” versus “What’s right right now?” Again, you’re going to get a very different answer based on the question you ask.
This is what the concept of Appreciative Inquiry is all about. It says wherever I put my attention grows. So be intentional about keeping your attention on the positive. This isn’t about seeing the glass as full if it isn’t, but look at the half-full version and focus on the potential in the situation – rather than focusing on the negative (i.e., half-empty).
Have you been asking the right questions? Are they focused on the positive? What’s a new question you could ask?
Ask away!
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