Getting It Together: Part 2, Time Management
In the last post, I noted that getting organized your way – and finding the discipline to work your system – can also help you learn to manage your time. Making decisions like what-to-keep and what-to-toss teaches you to make decisions about what deserves your time and what doesn’t.
People who manage time effectively set priorities. They make decisions about what’s important to them and honor those commitments. Sometimes we think that choosing a priority will be constricting, but the truth is that it allows us to say “no” to things that are less important.
We can’t say “yes” to everything and everyone. If we do, we are allowing other people to set our priorities and lead our lives. So admit that you can’t do everything (at least not all at once) and be intentional about where – and in whom – you want to invest your time. What do you want to say “yes” to? What deserves to be on your calendar? What fills you up?
We also can’t do everything perfectly. Research shows that successful people do just enough and move on to the next thing. They aren’t perfectionists and don’t put in more effort than required. And when unexpected emergencies arise, they stay flexible and refocus on their priorities as soon as possible.
Where do you want to invest your time? What could you accomplish – and how would you feel – if you focused on what’s truly important to you?
Time to get intentional!
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