What’s your goal for 2016?
’Tis the season to set goals for the new year. Unfortunately, statistics from the University of Scranton show that only about 8% of people successfully achieve their New Year’s resolutions.
But not setting goals isn’t a good alternative. However, you might be surprised to know that you already have a plan — and the results are your current life. If you don’t like the results you’re getting, then it’s time to change your plan. It’s time to set intentional, conscious goals for what you want more of in your life in 2016.
Why bother? Your goals will provide clarity, provoke action, and help you say “no” to other things; they’ll give you something positive to focus on; and they’ll illuminate your progress as well as show you when to celebrate.
Here are a few tips for setting your 2016 goals:
– Put your goal in writing. Find a specific goal you feel excited about and have energy behind. Then write it down and put it where you’ll see it often. Writing your goal down increases your chances of success by 40% (so says a goal-setting study from the Dominican University in California).
– Get a vision of what success. Imagine achieving your goal. What does that look like? How does that feel? Connect with those feelings; that’s where real, lasting motivation comes from.
– Take action. Do the next thing you can from where you are with what you have. If you are having trouble getting started, make the action smaller.
– Rinse and repeat. Spend time with your vision (and the associated feelings) as often as possible, and keep taking the next step from where you are with what you have.
– Be kind. Expect a setback or two, and celebrate your successes along the way — both big and small.
Yes, this is the simplified version for setting and working towards a goal, but it is the general formula for success. The real secret? Getting the support you need — and that will look different for each person.
So what’s the goal you want to dedicate yourself to in 2016? What can you imagine achieving?
Start now!
p.s. Your comments/likes are most welcome on this post at https://www.facebook.com/jenfrankcoaching
p.p.s. If your goal for 2016 is career or job related and you are in the Memphis area, I’m running a three-month group career coaching program beginning in January. Come explore, discover, and begin taking action — all in a supportive environment. The deadline to register is December 23 and more details can be found at https://jenfrankcoaching.com/career-group-jan-2016/