Purpose, Part 2 (i.e., Get Your Geek On)

Posted by on June 3, 2014

Purpose, Part 2 (i.e., Get Your Geek On)

“[Trust that] the gifts you’re here to share with the world come from what inspires you most and makes you feel the greatest – and elevates your existence.  If you’re elevated by the practices you love, then you can greatly trust that you’ll elevate others.”
     – Gabby Bernstein

Before we move on to another topic, let’s revisit purpose.  What does it look like to “listen for clues?”  One way is to consider your childhood.  What did you love to do?  Why?  What feelings did it give you?  Which of your values did the activity honor?  What’s the adult equivalent of that activity?

For me, itIMG_0841 recently looked like a couple of hours of crafting: crawling around on the floor creating a giant paper flower.  I’d had a vision of making something big and pretty from newspaper, and I decided to experiment and see what I could do.  Did it turn out exactly like I expected?  Not really, but I spent two hours totally engrossed in the process and felt very satisfied at the end, my hands and knees covered in glue and newsprint.

IMG_0881And you know what I enjoy even more?  Crafting with others!  I was lucky enough to find a tribe in Memphis at the 5 in 1 Social Club whose tagline is “kindergarten for grown folks.”  I had a great time making wire necklaces with my fellow crafters.  These kind of shared creative experiences not only put me in flow which increases my happiness, but also provide a means to express my values and play with my purpose.

If crafting isn’t your thing, what is?  What activity do you love to lose yourself in?  I encourage you to get your geek on, whatever that looks like for you.  Not only will you enjoy yourself, but you’ll get in touch with the activities – and people – that turn on your energy and enthusiasm.

What activities have been calling you?  What would it look like if you listened to Joseph Campbell’s advice to “follow your bliss?”  Set aside some bliss time on your calendar now and keep listening for your purpose to emerge.

Enjoy elevating your existence!