Finding Your New Normal in Uncertain Times
Beginning yesterday, I’m working entirely from home. I’m used to working at home as well as with clients on the phone and Zoom, so this isn’t all new for me. I’m also an introvert and homebody, so that’s comfortable, too. What I didn’t expect was my desire to not work at all, to not accomplish a thing, and to be unmotivated and just want to sit around and read or watch TV!
I think that’s partly caused by the anxiety that comes with the uncertainty of our current situation: globally, as a nation, as a community, and in our own homes and lives. I know it makes me want to hibernate and take a break. Right now, the best I can do is to keep my appointments, do the things that need to be done, and then be gentle with myself and my inability to tackle any big work or home projects.
Some of my clients and friends are doing some cool things to deal with staying home and the feelings of isolation, boredom, lack of motivation, and anxiousness that come with that.
One friend posted on Facebook: ” Working from home Day 3. I’m still waking up at the same time, showering, putting on eyebrows, brushing my teeth, and wearing perfume to go to the living room. Carry on.”
A client reported that she and several of her colleagues have started the practice of being in a Zoom “meeting,” but they are working independently. It allows them to feel less alone, have a little ambient noise, and to periodically chat or joke with one another. This is something my client plans to practice when working remotely even after this crisis passes.
Another young client is challenging herself to check in on friends with phone calls, rather than texts. She also takes walks, and on her next one she plans to stop at the grocery store, see what produce is available, and look up a recipe for those ingredients on the spot. It’s a way for her to both stretch herself and learn while taking care of herself.
I’ve also found some practical advice in these articles. Perhaps something stands out to you? (Sorry about the explicit language!)
I encourage you to experiment with some new behaviors to see what takes best care of you. And please share those practices with others! I’d love to hear what’s working for you, so I can use and share your ideas, too. You are most welcome to share your ideas here:
Take care and be well!