
Posted by on November 5, 2015


My plans include that I blog twice a month. I do that as a service to provide space for reflection for my readers and for me – and simply to stay connected. (I love hearing from people after I post a blog!) As of today, it has now been a full month since my last blog. Oops.

October was a busy month personally and professionally (more here in my November 2nd FB post), so I missed my blogging goal. I could get down on myself, beat myself up, or give myself a lecture. But that’s not necessary, and I prefer to opt for kindness.
choose kind
Missing a blog deadline by a couple weeks isn’t great, but it’s not the end of the world. There’s no reason for me to start throwing around words like “blame” or “failure.”

Instead, I see this simply as a choice. I had more to get done than I had time to do it in, so I had to set priorities and make choices – knowing that those choices come with consequences. The great thing about choices is that if I don’t like a choice I made, I can always make a new choice.

In October, I chose to do other work first. I chose to accept the consequences of my choices. And I chose to be kind to myself. Those are choices I can feel good about.

The next time you are faced with more to-do’s than you can handle, I encourage you to treat yourself with kindness. Don’t unnecessarily introduce blame into the situation. Make the best choices you can with an awareness of the consequences. And if you don’t like a choice you made, then make a new one.

Choose kindly!

p.s.  Your comments/likes are most welcome on this post at