Things always look better in the morning…
I’ve been going through a stressful time, so I reached out to my closest Memphis girlfriends for support. We met for dinner, and they quickly circled the wagons, asked what I needed, and surrounded me with understanding and unconditional love.
I emailed them the next day and said, “I have been so touched by everyone’s love and support, that the devil on the edge of my bed last night questioned if I deserved it. (The answer was easier to see this morning. Yes I do. So f* off, you little jerk!)”
Now I’m good for swearing now and again, but I try to keep my emails rated PG-13. And southerners (compared to some of us from the northeast) tend to go pretty easy on the cursing. However, I must have struck a nerve, because my girlfriends’ replies were pretty awesome – and they didn’t use the asterisks.
One said, “Oh, I am so familiar with that devil on the edge of the bed – and yes, tell her to F*CK OFF!” And another wrote, “Ok, you’ve inspired me to help myself…Beginning the elimination diet. Starting yoga next Thursday. Telling the devil to f*ck off. Telling myself I’m lovable…”
Yes indeed, I’d struck a chord. That same devil seems to make the rounds to a whole lot of us at night – when it’s dark and we are most vulnerable to fear and doubt. When we cannot see or feel our own light. Most of us have met that devil and heard its whispers.
Lucky for us, morning comes and we see more clearly and accurately. We may shrug off those fears and doubts in the light of day and just keep moving forward, but I have found that there is power in sharing our struggles with the people who care about us. Power in acknowledging our worth and worthiness to be loved. And, occasionally, power in standing up for ourselves and telling the devil to f* off.
What doubts come creeping in for you at night? Who can you share them with? Where do you need to stand in your power?
You know what to do!
p.s. Your comments/likes are most welcome on this post at