
Here are resources for you! And feel free to sign up for my blog on this website and/or follow me on Linkedin.

Four tips for career success article

Information interviews blogs

Goal setting format
First name your right-sized goal. Make sure it’s S.M.A.R.T.: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Time-bound. Then answer:
– Success will look like:
– When I achieve my goal, I will feel:
– Milestones for my goal include:
– The first step I can take right now from where I am with what I have is (then repeat this daily):
– When I finish this action, the next action I will take is:
– The support I need to achieve my goal is:
– When I have achieved this goal, I will celebrate by:
– The next goal I will tackle is:

If you’d like more career development resources, you may think about checking out these books:
– What Color Is Your Parachute 2021 by Richard Bolles (lots of exercises)
– Designing Your Life by Bill Burnett & Dave Evans (uses design theory)
– What I Wish I knew When I was 20 by Tina Seelig (inspirational)

Career plan example